Emergency Dentistry

Nobody wants to face an emergency of any kind. Unfortunately, dental emergencies can be even more unexpected than other emergencies and equally as scary. However, like any critical situation, being prepared and remaining calm are the keys to successfully navigating treatment for emergency dentist near you in Peabody, MA.

Just like a medical emergency, a dental emergency requires immediate and proper service to avoid life-threatening outcomes. Would you know what to do if you or a family member required emergency dentistry? If you are experiencing symptoms that require emergency treatment, Dr. Rani Varghese and the staff at Premier Family Dentistry are here to help.


Immediate treatment is required for any oral health situation that involves oral bleeding that is uncontrollable, swelling inside or outside of the mouth that blocks the airway, or severe trauma to the mouth or jaw. These situations can be life-threatening if proper treatment is delayed.

It’s also important to understand who may be at a higher risk for dental emergencies. This would include patients who:

  • Have undergone recent oral surgery
  • Have suffered an oral bacterial infection
  • Have experienced trauma to the head or jaw area

These patients and their caregivers should understand how to directly access emergency treatment from our dentist.

There are urgent dental symptoms such as severe oral pain or sudden tooth loss that should be treated as quickly as possible. However, any life-threatening conditions featuring excessive oral bleeding or compromised breathing should result in immediate emergency dental services with our professional dental care team.


Being prepared in a critical situation can have a positive effect on the outcome. Our dentist recommends that you keep all contact information for our office with other emergency contact numbers. In addition, all family members should have access to this information in case it is needed.

Make sure that you and your family are prepared for emergency dental care if necessary. Contact Premier Family Dentistry to learn more about emergency dentistry near you, and be sure to follow up with Dr. Rani Varghese if you have received emergency oral care.

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